Teaching and Mentoring
Aug. 6, 2024, Hands-on section on cosmo$\mathcal{R}$ate. Click here to access lecture material. Universidad Andrés Bello, Santiago, Chile. (2 hours)
Aug. 2024, Lecturer of the course “Gravitational Wave Astrophysics” during the school “Cosmological History: from Gravitational Waves to Exoplanets”. Click here to access lecture material. ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP, São Paulo, Brazil. (4 hours + hands-on sections)
Nov. 2021, Physics Lab assistant. I supported students during learning of basic programming skills for data analysis in C++. Univeristy of Padova, Italy. (20 h/yr)
Jun. 2021, Laboratory of Computational Astrophysics. I tutored a group of three students that completed a project using cosmo$\mathcal{R}$ate. Univeristy of Padova, Italy. (12 h/yr)
Nov. 2020, Physics Lab assistant. I supported students learning basic programming skills for data analysis in C++. Univeristy of Padova, Italy. (20 h/yr)
Mar. 2022, Co-supervisor of Lorenzo Merli’s master thesis. Lorenzo looked at the evolution of the properties of Population III stars that can generate merging binary black holes at high redshift.
Dec. 2021, Co-supervisor of Roberta Rufolo’s master thesis. Roberta explored the impact of various prescritpions modelling the spin distributions of binary black holes detectable with LIGO-Virgo inteferometers. My main task was to guide her through the various functionalities of our codes.
- Outreach lectures on Physics and Astrophysics to high school classes:
- Mar. 25, 2024, “Alessandro Volta” high school, Pescara, Italy
- Jan. 25, 2024, “Albert Einstein” high school, Teramo, Italy
An outreach article presenting the research I conducted during my PhD was published in the Giornale di Astronomia, Vol. 50.
Sep. 29, 2023, volunteer at SHARPER23
Everything ready for the kilonova esperiment :)Nov. 27, 2020, Night of Researchers. The 2020 Night of Researchers was followed by more than 500 people. I briefly introduced the gravitational wave topic and gave some short updates of my research work. At this link you can find the full recording.
- Oct. 2018 - Mar. 2020, Guide for the Museum of History of Physics. I have been a guide for the Museum of History of Physics of the University of Padova. The visits were meant for both elementary and high school students